Thursday 27 January 2011

Day 21 - A Bit of Detective Work

I had an early morning meeting today, which was good as it meant I had to get up early and get on with the day. It really has turned bitterly cold here and even though I know this I still tend to dress as though its autumn. Foolish I am. Anyway, since it was so cold I didn't linger in town like I had planned but headed straight home for a hearty breakfast of porridge and honey.  I find it pretty filling and rather comforting, which is something that I need during the day at home when the temptation to nibble on fridge items is more than compelling. I skipped through the job sites and settled in to peruse what might be out there. Very little it would seem. In the background I managed to keep half an eye on the newest series of Monk.  It is the final series of Monk, one of my all-time favourite detective shows, only narrowly beaten out by Murder She Wrote.  No one can beat Jessica Fletcher! However, thus far I have been unimpressed with Series 8. Don't get me wrong Tony Shalhoub and Traylor Howard still do a fine job but the storylines have been far from engrossing.  Still we are only on episode 3 of 16 so there is room for improvement, plus we will finally see the wrap up of the murder of Monk's wife Trudy right back at the start.

Monk finished I scavenged in the cupboards for all things lunch. I decided I should use what I had rather than going to the shops, so I ended up with a favourite of Bacon and Avocado salad with a sweet potato. It was yum and filling. However, since I was fairly famished I chose to do the bacon in the microwave, purely for speed. I laid out two bacon rashers on paper town in a Pyrex dish.  Marco Pierre White apparently heralds this method as the best way to cook bacon but Marco I disagree.  Perhaps it was the bacon I used, back rather than streaky but it curled and didn't crisp up. It was tasty enough but I think I should have put more time into doing it on the grill.  Still lunch was a quick and painless affair which is always good news.

After an adequate amount of time had passed I completed Day 16 of the Wii Active Challenge. I think my leg muscles are certainly stronger, at least I will have achieved something in January!  I also took a trip out to discover and research my new local gym opened by The Gym Group. It's so cheap at only £15.99 a month, with no contract.  Perfect for me, who at the moment, can't commit to anything long-term. I went with my little sis as we both plan to join together. It was a good, open-plan gym, that was functional and clean with good light. A and I will be signing up and attending our first session on Saturday hopefully!

Gym sorted, I set about tracking down all the ingredients I needed for dinner. I was planning to use up some of the remaining miso paste I had from sushi Saturday and doing a new favourite in our house - Nasu Dengaku. I wasn't able to get Japanese aubergines so I had to go with a Spanish import instead.  Being slightly thicker in size than a Japanese aubergine it needed a stint in the oven as well as the grill to make it tender enough. I borrowed the recipe from Momofuku for 2 and it really does work very well. I implore you, if you have not tried it, to give it a go as it really is very simple.  I only used half the marinade for the aubergines and the rest will go in the fridge and probably get used tomorrow night.

The dish went down well with Gerry which was great.  I served it with some white rice topped with poppy seeds.  My only complaint - not enough!

Nasu Dengaku & Rice

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